DUPR is a pickleball rating system for everyone.

If you’ve been bitten by the pickleball bug (and let’s be real, who hasn’t?), you’ve probably wondered, “How good am I, really? And how can I tell?”

Enter DUPR, the Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating, a new system that’s about to make your pickleball life way more exciting.

What Exactly is a DUPR Number?

DUPR (rhymes with super) was invented in 2021 by Steve Kuhn, the founder of Major League Pickleball (MLP). The system was designed to be the most accurate and inclusive global rating system for pickleball players, providing a dynamic and real-time reflection of a player’s skill level across various match formats.

A DUPR number is a rating that reflects your skill level in pickleball. It ranges from 2.000 to 8.000 and is determined by factors such as the points you win, match outcomes, and the types of games you play.

DUPR is a pickleball rating system for everyone.

DUPR is a pickleball rating system for everyone. Photo from DUPR.com.

Here’s an example of how the DUPR rating system works:

Let’s say you and your partner are rated 4.0 and up against a team rated 4.5. The DUPR algorithm calculates an expected value (EV) for how many points your team should score — let’s say it’s 7 points. Even if you lose the match with a score of 9-11, you’ve outperformed your expected value by scoring more than 7 points.

Cool, right?

As a result, your DUPR rating could increase, even though you lost, because the system recognizes that you played better than anticipated against stronger opponents. This way, DUPR rewards your performance, not just the final outcome.

So, What’s the Big Deal About DUPR?

DUPR isn’t just another rating system — it’s the rating system. 

Imagine knowing exactly how you stack up, not just at your local court but compared to players worldwide.

But here’s the best part: DUPR isn’t static. It updates in real-time based on your latest matches. Play well, and your rating goes up; have an off day, and it might dip—but that just gives you more motivation to get back out there and improve.

Plus, it’s completely gender-neutral and only cares about your court performance, as we showed in the example above. Your DUPR number isn’t just about winning and losing — it’s about how well you played.

Knowing your DUPR number helps you match up with players better.

Knowing your DUPR number helps you match up with players better.

Why It’s Awesome to Know Your DUPR Number

Let’s talk about why DUPR makes pickleball even more fun.

First, it creates fair and competitive matchups, a game-changer for tournaments, round robins, and casual play alike. Gone are the days of mismatched games where one team steamrolls the other. DUPR ensures that players with similar skills face off, making every match more exciting and challenging.

And if you’re the kind of player who loves seeing progress, DUPR is perfect for you. Knowing that every point and every match can impact your rating adds a whole new level of intensity. You’ll hustle for every ball and fight for every point because it all counts.

Plus, finding similarly skilled partners for more competitive games becomes a breeze — DUPR takes the guesswork out of matchmaking, so you can spend less time coordinating and more time playing.

Check out the DUPR website for more info. If you don’t have your DUPR number yet, you can easily sign up for one here or download their app.

It's simple to get your DUPR number. Photo from DUPR.com.

It’s simple to get your DUPR number. Photo from DUPR.com.

Get Your DUPR Number at the DUPRXpress Round-robin

Want to get your DUPR number up and running (and have a bunch of fun doing it)?

Great news — IPOP is hosting the DUPRXpress Round-robin from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on September 21st, 2024, at Robert Burnaby Park in Burnaby, BC, and it’s the perfect chance to get your DUPR number!

The DUPR-express pickleball tournament,

The DUPR-express pickleball tournament,

And, of course, beginners are welcome (the great thing about DUPR is that it takes your skill level into account, so your rating is more about how well you played relative to your competition than just wins and losses)!

This event isn’t just about fun and competition — it’s also a BC Children’s Hospital Foundation/Focus Humanitarian Assistance fundraiser and a BBQ to get to know your fellow pickleballers better.

  • The round-robin fee is just $40 (includes a BBQ lunch and to support Focus Humanitarian Assistance and the BC Children’s Hospital)
  • Everyone plays mixed doubles.
  • We’ll enter the scores to get your DUPR number for you at the event (after you join IPOP’s DUPR club, which we’ll send instructions on).

Sound like a good time? It will be!

If you want to sing up to play in this round-robin, click this link to the IPOP website and follow the instructions.

But hurry up and register because there are limited spots available.


DUPR isn’t just about numbers — it’s about making pickleball more enjoyable for everyone. It levels the playing field, encourages continuous improvement, and brings players together in a global community. Whether playing for fun or looking to climb the ranks, DUPR adds a layer of excitement and fairness that’s hard to beat.

So, why wait? Dive into DUPR and see how this game-changing system can elevate your pickleball experience. Click here to register for your DUPR account today. It’s fast, free, and easy. And if you register for the DUPRxpress, we’ll send you a link to join IPOP’s DUPR club. See you there!

3D printed pickleballs are quieter but still bounce like regular pickleballs.

Pickleball, the fastest-growing sport in North America, is getting a high-tech upgrade! Technology has been quietly revolutionizing the game while you’ve been perfecting your dinks and smashes.

From smart paddles that give you instant feedback to noise-dampening balls that keep the peace in your neighbourhood, the future of pickleball is here, and it’s as exciting as a perfectly executed third-shot drop.

Let’s explore the latest tech innovations in pickleball, which are transforming how we play, train, and connect.

The Evolution of Pickleball Equipment

The first thing technology has touched in pickleball is our equipment.


  • Wonder Materials: Today, there are many different paddle options. You can get wider or narrower faces, longer or shorter paddles, edge guards, different grips, and your choice of aluminum, graphite, fibreglass, polymers, or combinations for the composition.
  • Smart Paddles: Beyond materials, some manufacturers are rumoured to take paddles to the next tech level. Equipped with sensors, they track shot speed, spin, and accuracy. Imagine getting feedback on your game from your paddle – it’s like having a coach in your hand, minus the yelling.
  • Textured Surfaces: Manufacturers are getting creative with paddle surfaces, adding textures that help players put more spin and control on the ball. It’s like giving your paddle a personality upgrade.


  • Optimized Performance: Pickleballs are evolving beyond hollow plastic. Advanced manufacturing techniques, like 3D printing, are leading to balls made from quality polymer blends, ensuring consistent (and quieter) performance.
3D printed pickleballs are quieter but still bounce like regular pickleballs.

3D-printed pickleballs are quieter but still bounce like regular pickleballs.


Training and Performance Enhancement

Technology isn’t just changing the equipment; it’s revolutionizing how players train and improve their game.

Wearable Technology

  • Devices that track metrics like heart rate, movement patterns (GPS), and fatigue levels are becoming more commonplace. These gadgets provide real-time feedback, helping players fine-tune their performance and avoid overtraining. Think of it as your personal health coach strapped to your wrist.

Smart Training Aids

  • Programmable ball machines are the new must-have for serious players. These machines can deliver balls at varying speeds, spins, and trajectories, allowing for targeted practice. It’s like having a relentless training partner who never gets tired or complains.

AR and VR Training Systems

  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are entering pickleball training. AR overlays data and analytics onto a real court, enhancing training with trajectory predictions and sweet spot locations. Conversely, VR creates immersive environments where players can practice against AI opponents with different playing styles. It’s like stepping into a video game where you are the hero, and the villain is a really tough pickleball player.
  • A recent article in Fast Company highlighted how Rally Pickleball wants to become the Top Golf of pickleball. Rally just opened a state-of-the-art facility in Charlotte, North Carolina, with restaurants, eight indoor and outdoor courts and gamification technology. Players check in via touchscreen, choose an avatar, and use four cameras around the court to use computer vision to track the ball.
  • The system is called RallyTrack (patent pending), understands pickleball rules, and can call faults. Basically, after you set up your avatar and game, you play pickleball like normal, but the computers and cameras will keep score. Very cool.
Rally Pickleball wants to become the Top Golf of pickleball

Rally Pickleball wants to become the Top Golf of pickleball


Innovations in Community and Connectivity

Pickleball isn’t just a game; it’s a community, and technology is making it easier than ever to connect with fellow enthusiasts.

Apps and Platforms

  • Apps like PicklePlay are revolutionizing how we interact with the sport. These platforms offer score tracking, player matching, and community engagement, turning every game into a social event.
  • Social media is also playing a big role. Live streams of tournaments, equipment reviews, and strategy insights are all over Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Reddit, making it easier to stay connected and learn from the best.
The Pickleplay App has grown immensely over the last few years.

The Pickle play App has grown immensely over the last few years.


Enhancing the Playing Experience

Technology is making the actual gameplay more precise and fair.

AI Line Calling and Video Replay:

  • High-speed cameras and computer algorithms ensure accurate line calls, ending those heated “was it in or out?” debates. Video replay technology allows for reviewing close calls, improving the accuracy of officiating and making the game fairer for everyone].

New Products and Innovations

The pickleball market is booming with innovative new products. Basically, people are inventing new ways to jump onto pickleball’s popularity. Here are a few examples.

  • PaddleSmash (pictured below): This new game combines elements of pickleball and Smashball, offering a portable and versatile playing experience. Perfect for backyards and beaches, it’s accessible and easy to learn, making it a hit for all ages.
  • Pickleminton: A hybrid of pickleball and badminton, played on a badminton court with a lower net and pickleball paddles.
  • Pop Tennis: Similar to pickleball but played on a smaller tennis court with solid paddles and a depressurized tennis ball.
  • Platform Tennis: Played on a smaller court with solid paddles and a spongy ball, often in colder climates.
  • Paddle Tennis: Also called Padel, is a variation played on a smaller court with solid paddles and a depressurized tennis ball.
  • Beach Pickleball: Also called Sandy Pickleball, adapts pickleball rules for play on the sand, often with modified equipment for better performance on softer surfaces.
Smashball is just one of the new "sports" and innovations due to the popularity of pickleball.

Smashball is just one of the new “sports” and innovations due to the popularity of pickleball.



Technology is taking pickleball to new heights, making the game more exciting, accessible, and fair. From advanced equipment to smart training aids and community-building apps, the future of pickleball looks brighter than ever. So, grab your smart paddle, track your stats, and join the high-tech pickleball revolution. Who knows, you might just find yourself playing against a virtual opponent in your living room soon!

At IPOP, we’re all about inclusivity and bringing pickleball to the masses. If technology makes the game we love better and more accessible to people, then we’re behind it all the way. In that same vein, we’re working with BC Lung and UBC regarding advancements in the medical field where doctors can prescribe pickleball for medical problems. Check it out here.


Citations: https://usapickleball.org/news/advanced-technology-is-helping-shape-future-pickleball-paddles/